Countries visited so far..


Here is the list of countries that I have visited so far (stayed atleast 5 days).

  1. Bhutan
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Maldives
  4. UAE
  5. Qatar
  6. Thailand
  7. Singapore
  8. Malaysia
  9. Indonesia
  10. Hongkong
  11. Turkey
  12. Spain
  13. Portugal
  14. France
  15. Italy
  16. Switzerland
  17. Austria
  18. Czech
  19. Hungary
  20. Poland
  21. Netherlands
  22. Belgium
  23. United Kingdom
  24. Canada
  25. USA
  26. Ethiopia
  27. Nigeria
  28. Mauritius
  29. Vietnam 
Countries less than 5 days
  1. Luxembourg
  2. Slovakia

Don't ask my favorite one :)
Many large ones still to go: China, Japan, Russia, Australia & South America!


  1. I've loved spending time in the great 4 person tent outdoors under the stars for as long as I can remember. The development of camping technology is one factor that has significantly improved my camping experience. High-tech water filters can eliminate even the smallest contaminants in water, and portable solar panels can charge our electronics on the go.


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